LIZ PRINCE arrived!
Last week I received a pack full of amazing stuff from LIZ PRINCE.
I don't want to say more about her comics (blah blah...), her stories speak better.
Just take a look on her site and it will be even better if you order her books.
Keep it up Liz!
ΚΟΥΛΟΥΡΙ στο περιοδικό ΔΙΑΒΑΖΩ
Μηνιαία επιθεώρηση του βιβλίου ΔΙΑΒΑΖΩ, τεύχος Μαϊος 2011.
Αρθρο για τα κόμικς "Η Φρέσκια Ελληνόφωνη Παραγωγή" της Λύδα Τσενέ με αναφορά στο ΚΟΥΛΟΥΡΙ.
Monthly magazine about books DIAVAZO (reading) issue May 2011.
Article about comic books "Fresh Greek Production" by Lida Tsene with mention to KOULOURI.
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